1-click installer, FTP and htaccess: great-to-have’s in a hosting plan

If you’ve found a hosting plan that you like, now it’s a good time to look into specific details it offers.

Here are 3 major additional features that you’ll love.

1-click installer

This will be super-useful for your first website. Just install WordPress and start building your dream site. No tech skills required.

FTP access

This feature enables you to move large amounts of files without a hassle and in a very secure manner.

Not all web hosts take an effort in order to activate FTP access, limiting their packages with just a standard file manager. As a result, you might sweat more struggling with those file migrations.


This system is a life saver for making site-wide administrative changes with just a couple of clicks. You can tweak anything under the sun, from redirects to passwords.

Though these 3 additional things aren’t mandatory to have, beware of any hosting providers who are OK with robbing you of the benefits you would otherwise reap from using them